Saturday, November 17, 2007


Delicious didn't blow me away. I can see where it would save some time in finding frequently-used bookmarks but I could locate them anyway by googling them. The networking features, on the other hand, have a lot of potential but you need an awful lot of time and curiousity to follow up where the various threads are going. An awful lot of stuff published seems to be the random ravings of either schizophrenic or very high individuals, who are spewing random words out there with very little intent to communicate concrete ideas.

Or maybe it's the verbal equivalent of abstract art. It's certainly not up to me to judge what's art or not but it takes a lot of blog-mining to find anything I'm really interested in reading.

In the meantime, I located a new mash-up site that I spent some time with, putting my photos on Rubik's cubes and seeing how they looked in museums. Clearly, mash-ups and generators have been my favorite discoveries so far.

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